CHRONES. REUNITES WORLDS | Networking on gaming and performance!

CHRONES. REUNITES WORLDS | Networking on gaming and performance!

A day dedicated to the meeting of art, digital, interactive hybridization and gaming!

On June 1st, our start-up turned one year old! Unable to contain the joy of our research, we thought of the perfect birthday party! You are invited to CHRONES. REUNITES WORLDS: a free online event hosted by CHRONES. (a gift for you is included!).


June 29th, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.!


On our Discord server and the SEPHIROT  youtube channel!


This event is born to allow networking, learning experiences, and sharing of research and tools between professionals and artists working, or willing to work, in the field of art and technologies. CHRONES. wishes to be a useful meeting place to let new collaborations bloom and open new and unexpected perspectives. Everyone is welcome!


Performing arts sector
Performers, actors, dancers, directors, choreographers, authors, composers, musicians, dramaturgs, hyperdramaturgs, costume designers…

Gaming sector
Game Designers, Graphic Designers, Game Developers, Producers, Concept artists, animators, 3d artists…

Digital sector
XR Developers, programmers, back-end developers, sound artists, media artists, SFX, VFX…


If you attend our roundtable discussions and workshops, you will receive a gift from CHRONES.! Two hours of free consulting in your preferred field: do you have a project and don’t know how to value it in the compilation of national calls for proposals and beyond? Do you have an innovative idea but lack technical advice? Do you want to improve the storytelling of your social presence? Do you want to develop interactive and engaging experiences? A member of our team will be available to you for 120 minutes!


To join the event, you must fill out this form: CLICK HERE!
Within the form you will be asked to join our Discord server (if you’re not already in it!), the place where all activities and communications will take place!


Here is how we will scan the day of CHRONES. REUNITES WORLDS!
10:00 – 10:30

Opening Ceremony on the Discord MAIN STAGE channel.
A welcome start to the day!

10:30 – 11:30

Roundtable discussion on NARRATIVE DESIGN on the Discord ROUNDTABLE channel.
The roundtable is an opportunity to establish a dialogue between professionals from different fields on a single theme: narrative design! We will discuss new trends, innovative techniques, and future challenges shaping the narrative design landscape.

11:30 – 12:00

Morning interviews live on the SEPHIROT YouTube channel.
CRW gives voice to professionals from the intersection of art, play, and technology! In the first live interview session, we will talk with:

Born halfway between art and technology, from a young age he developed a strong interest in creating digital experiences. Always pursuing the dream of creating video games, he ends up graduating in Game design in Turin. He participates in the development of some non-commercial titles before founding Dramatic iceberg.

Together with his team he is selected for the first edition of Microsoft’s Quickload Gaming Accelerator in Turin and works on the development of Racoonie: Legend of the Spirits and Garden In! He is currently developing the next title called Letter Bunny. His favourite pastime is losing in fighting games.
Follow Dramatic Iceberg’s work here!

12:00 – 12:30

Coffee break and networking on the Discord channels PRIVATE ROOM.
This time is dedicated to networking on your own! All participants of CHRONES. REUNITES WORLDS will have a chance to view each other’s resumes: if you find someone to get to know better to deepen your knowledge and possibilities for collaboration, make arrangements for a short briefing in one of the private rooms available on our Discord server!
“Hi Carla, I like your work a lot, I would like to talk to you about my research and learn more about yours! Shall we meet at 12:10 in PRIVATE ROOM 5?”

12:30 – 13:30

Morning interviews live on the SEPHIROT YouTube channel.
CRW gives voice to professionals from the intersection of art, play, and technology! In the second live interview session, we will talk with:


He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction in September 2020 from the Quasar Institute for Advanced Design in Rome, graduating with top marks and academic honours. His thesis was in the Psychological-Literary field and was accompanied by a virtual reality experience. Recently, he completed a Master’s degree in Games Technology at the IT University of Copenhagen. After holding various positions in web development for large companies such as NTT Data and Prima Assicurazioni as a Frontend Specialist, and having worked for companies like TIM and ENEL, he started freelancing in the field of prototyping and developing web platforms and interactive experiences for private clients and events. Currently, he is working on his first commercial video game title as an independent developer.

Follow Giorgio’s work here!

After finishing five years of classical studies, she decided to pursue the study of film and videomaking in Rome at the AANT (Academy of Arts and New Technologies), with the future aspiration of being able to freely create “every video that my head produces daily” (quote).

Creativity is the language with which she can express concepts that words do not fully concretize, the passion for video comes from the possibility of having a wider vocabulary with which to be able to represent what one wants to say, with the ever-present nuance of one’s point of view.
Follow Benedetta’s work here!

He is a Professional Educator, Pedagogist and Counselor, living in Bologna. He studied Educational Science in Perugia, and holds a three-year master’s degree in Life Training in Phenomenological and Transpersonal Anthropology and a master’s degree in Pedagogical Counseling and Coordination of Training Interventions in Perugia. He specializes in Edutainment: the union of what is playful and what is educational. His tools par excellence are role-playing games, game-books and video games!
Follow his work here!

13:00 – 14:00

Lunch Break and Portfolio Sharing on the PORTFOLIOS Discord channel.
Enjoy your lunch! During this refreshing break, you have the opportunity to share with everyone your portfolio, videos or audios of your work, press and articles about your research… Self-promotion has its own space!

14:00 – 16:00

SEPHIROT® TIME with the hyperdramaturgs and performers live on the SEPHIROT Youtube channel.
Two hours dedicated to our hyperdramaturgy writing system: chats with the authors who are creating their hypertextual narratives and a match where you can change the course of events!

16:00 – 17:00

Roundtable discussion on IMMERSIVE AND INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENTS at the Discord ROUNDTABLE channel.
The roundtable is an opportunity to establish a dialogue between professionals from different fields on one topic: what are the pros and cons of designing immersive and/or interactive environments? We will explore key topics such as increasing audience engagement, educational potential, commercial applications, and design techniques that enhance immersion. Can investing in immersive and interactive environments lead to more meaningful experiences, increased audience loyalty, and new market opportunities?

17:00 – 17:30

Coffee break and networking on the Discord channels PRIVATE ROOM.
This time is dedicated to networking on your own! All participants will have a chance to view each other’s resumes: if you find someone to know better to deepen your knowledge and possibilities for collaboration, make arrangements for a short briefing in one of the private rooms available on our Discord server!

“Hi Carla, I like your work a lot, I would like to talk to you about my research and learn more about yours! Shall we meet at 17:05 in PRIVATE ROOM 5?”

17:30 – 18:00

Afternoon interviews live on the SEPHIROT YouTube channel.
CRW gives voice to professionals from the intersection of art, gaming and technology! In the third live interview session, we will talk with:

Co-founder, producer and writer of Yonder, an independent game development team. She has an academic background in the humanities, with a degree in Literature Music and Performing Arts and one in Anthropology. Together with his colleagues, she creates video games by establishing transmedia connections with artists, professionals and cultural promoters from various fields to explore new forms of communication.
Follow Yonder’s work here!


Multimedia artist born in the American South and raised on the Eastern seaboard, he spent his teen years on a New Hampshire farm. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, the University of Michigan, and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, he has worked as a builder, bookkeeper, furniture maker, and video art installer. Kirkpatrick’s art, exploring human psychological states, has been exhibited at Daniel Cooney Fine Art, 555 Gallery, and Flowers Gallery.

His accolades include being a 2013 and 2014 Critical Mass Finalist and receiving the NH Charitable Foundation’s Artist Advancement Grant. He has had solo exhibitions at The Center for Fine Art Photography, JDC Fine Art, Daniel Cooney Fine Art, and 555 Gallery. His studio is in Rollinsford, NH.

Follow Bear’s work here!

18:30 – 19:30

Workshop on the Metaverse on the Discord MAIN STAGE channel.
Watch a preview of our full workshop on the Metaverse: Alessandro Anglani will introduce you to its possible definitions, the current state of the art, and its origins in literature!

19:30 – 20:30

Workshop on Digital Marketing at the Discord channel MAIN STAGE.
Watch a preview of our full workshop on Digital Marketing: Carla Andolina will introduce you to the most popular forms of communicating and promoting online!

20:30 – 21:00

Closing and greetings on the Discord MAIN STAGE channel.
Thank you for celebrating with us!

Carla Andolina

Carla Andolina CHRONES. COO About us
6 June 2024

From Lord of the Rings to Evangelion and Ace Attorney, she’s learned that the right team makes all the difference! Creating magical experiences and lasting networks is her mission: bringing together talents from unexpected fields to make 1+1 equal 3! From acting she moved to contemporary dance and social media management: there is no right way to say things, only the most useful! For more than 3 years she’s been SEPHIROT®’s trooper and now she organizes CHRONES.’s forefront expeditions! Allons-y!

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CHRONES. REUNITES WORLDS | Networking on gaming and performance!

A day dedicated to the meeting of art, digital, interactive hybridization and gaming!

High Tech Power


Community Sense


Storytelling Resolve


Gamification Agility


Future Spirit


These are the charachteristics of the article. Like every respectable RPG, they will tell you what to expect from it, on a scale from 1 to 5!

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CHRONES. SRL innovative start-up. Via Mons. Santeramo, 23, 76121 Barletta.aP.IVA/C.F. 08822590728 REA BA 652634. Share capital: € 10.000,00 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy

CHRONES. SRL innovative start-up. Via Mons. Santeramo, 23, 76121 Barletta. P.IVA/C.F. 08822590728 REA BA 652634. Share capital: € 10.000,00 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy