What does CHRONES. mean?

What does CHRONES. mean?

The origin behind our name: the dot at the end is never a mistake!


Welcome, we are CHRONES.!

In this article, we will travel back in time to discover the origin of our start-up’s name! We will reveal the meaning of the dot at the end and how it is an integral part of our identity!

A time machine at your fingertips: Chronesthesia

Try to think of that time when you lost something you cared so much about. No matter how hard you tried to retrace your steps, recalling the last places and actions in which you held that something still in your hands, you never found it again. You bought a copy of it, and the fear of losing it in new and risky scenarios that your head can’t help but foresee, makes you keep it with renewed care.

The path you have just taken, a journey through mental time, is called CHRONESTHESIA, and yes, you can guess correctly, it is from this concept that our name steals the first seven letters!

What is Chronesthesia

Chronesthesia is a concept introduced in 1985 by Endel Tulving, an experimental psychologist and cognitive neuroscientist. It refers to subjective time, a capacity peculiar to human beings to project backward into the past, remembering distant events, or forward into the future, imagining the consequences of their actions, by the power of imagination alone. Not all forms of memory are related to time: episodic memory, which concerns episodes of one’s personal experience, is. But semantic memory, which concerns the acquisition and retention of notions, is not. In short, you used chronesthesia to remember where that object might have ended up, but not to remember its name!

The dot: a significant detail

The dot at the end of our name, it is clear now, is not a typo, but a way of containing the whole meaning of a concept that has greatly fascinated us and inspires our vision every day! 

A past that needs to be preserved…

Just as chronesthesia allows us to travel through time, CHRONES. wishes to design explorations of eras, cultures, and ideas forward and backward in time, finding the crucial crossroads in the present. Through our products and services, we incentivize a new way of looking at things!

…and a future to be invented!

CHRONES. is at the beginning of its journey. It loves the known but even more so the potential of imagination, simulation scenarios and strategies to achieve its goals with responsibility and play! We will continue to explore time and reveal its secrets to you!

To learn more about CHRONES. and our services, please do not hesitate to contact us! We will get back to you before you can say the word CHRONESTH…

Illustrations by danjazzia

Carla Andolina

Carla Andolina CHRONES. COO About us
14 March 2024

From Lord of the Rings to Evangelion and Ace Attorney, she’s learned that the right team makes all the difference! Creating magical experiences and lasting networks is her mission: bringing together talents from unexpected fields to make 1+1 equal 3! From acting she moved to contemporary dance and social media management: there is no right way to say things, only the most useful! For more than 3 years she’s been SEPHIROT®’s trooper and now she organizes CHRONES.’s forefront expeditions! Allons-y!

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What does CHRONES. mean?

The origin behind our name: the dot at the end is never a mistake!

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CHRONES. SRL innovative start-up. Via Mons. Santeramo, 23, 76121 Barletta.aP.IVA/C.F. 08822590728 REA BA 652634. Share capital: € 10.000,00 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy

CHRONES. SRL innovative start-up. Via Mons. Santeramo, 23, 76121 Barletta. P.IVA/C.F. 08822590728 REA BA 652634. Share capital: € 10.000,00 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy